Fair Work Legislative Changes

Navigating the changes to the Fair Work Act: What Businesses Need to Know About Contractors and Employees 1. Understanding the Key Changes 2. What This Means for Your Business 3. Moving Forward As the Australian business landscape evolves, staying informed about legislative changes is crucial. The recent amendments to the Fair Work Act, known as […]
Penalties to be introduced for unfair contract terms

Legislation has been passed to amend the provisions of the Competition and Consumer Act 2010 (Cth) and the Australian Consumer Law (ACL) to enhance protections for individuals and small businesses against unfair contractual terms. An unfair contract term is a clause which causes a significant imbalance between the parties to a standard form contract, is […]
Payroll tax alert – medical professions
Following the recent tribunal ruling in New South Wales of Thomas and Naaz Pty Ltd v Chief Commissioner of State Revenue, State Revenue Authorities across Australia have indicated that they intend on increasing investigations into payroll tax non-compliance by General Practitioners (GP). Whilst Revenue Authorities may be targeting GP clinics, these laws also apply to […]