6 Emporio Place, Maroochydore, QLD 4558

New Era Lawyers assists Naturo in raising $5 million

New Era Lawyers assisted Naturo Pty Ltd in successfully raising $5 million in July 2019. Naturo is an Australian-owned, food innovation company that focuses on developing ‘world-first’ technology to expand the shelf life of food without the use of chemicals and additives. This capital raising will assist the company to
build a pilot factory in Tasmania.

Naturo owns a patented food processing technology that aims to extend the refrigerated shelf life of fresh milk to up to 60 days. The directors of Naturo include the inventor Jeff Hastings, Dr Glen Richards (from the TV show Shark Tank) and Ash Richardson.

New Era Lawyers is very proud of its long-standing association with Naturo and are eager to see what the future holds for the company. Our lawyers are specialists in capital raising and corporate law and advise a number of companies from start-ups to public companies with capital raising activities.

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